Thursday, November 18, 2010

The videos we watch.....

Today in English, we watched a video that couldn't be described as anything other than unique. In all honesty, words can't even begin to do this video justice. I'm still not entirely sure exactly what the video is about, but this isn't all that surprising. Although it was confusing, the graphics were awesome, and what I could understand of the story line was cool.

DJ Uppercut : The Attack of Ninja from Shane Lester on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Believe My English Teacher Is Trying To Scar My Class For Life...

I don't even know where to start. The video "Let Go" by The Japanese Pop stars Feat. Green Velvet will literally leave you speechless. The creative artwork may be found slightly disturbing by most viewers, or leave you amazed. The video must have taken a  while to complete, and it looked awsome. Personally, I thought the video was cool, but it was 'out there', and I could have gone without watching it.

The Japanese Popstars Feat. Green Velvet - Let Go from David Wilson Creative on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Banksy's Artwork

The unknown artist, Banksy chooses to create his work anonymously. He works mainly at night, creating these beautiful masterpieces, yet keeping his identity a secret. His paintings are very symbolic, designed to make you stop, look, and think about what you see.
To me, the painting below shows symbolism towards the war. The bouquet of flowers is a symbol for peace. The young man is obviously ready to throw the flowers, ready to fight. Yet, his mask is showing that he isn't fighting someone, but something.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sorry I'm Late

The student stop-animation film, "Sorry I'm Late" is a great example of the amazing things students can accomplish. To make this film, the actor was laying on the ground, but made it look like  he was standing up and walking. As he travels through many different obstacles to reach his destination, you see the true creativity that's behind the film. The film was also slightly inspirational, because the process, while extensive, is rather simple, and I might be able to do a video that's similar. I truly enjoyed watching this video, and I'm glad that my teacher showed it to the class.

Sorry I'm Late from Tomas Mankovsky on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Identity Project: Memoir

For the writing component, we could choose between writing an Autobiography, Vignettes, or a Memoir. I wanted to write Vignettes, but as I started I realised that it was ment to be a memoir.
I knew what I was going to write about, I had them picked out when I first heard about the project. As I started to type, I learned that the sad memories are eaiser to write about than the happy ones.
I'm proud of the work I did, and I'm happy we got a chance to write it.

The Identity Project: Mask Making

For the artistc component, we had to make a mask, the front showing how society veiws us, and the inside showing how we veiw ourselfs. To make this mask, we used plaster strips, and let me tell you, it wasn't fun.
While you waited for the plaster to dry, you couldn't move your face at all. If you did, it would mess up the mask, and you might have to redo it.
After it dried, you had to paint it, everyone did a variety of different things for their's. I went around asking people to describe me in one word, and the words I got, were placed on the front of the mask. The inside is of photography I've taken along with words I would use to describe myself.

The Identity Project

For English class we are doing a project about how society views us. We had to have many different components that worked together to show the person we are. The following blog posts are my technology component.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The music video for the song Sing Sang Sung, by a French band, Air, was not something you would expect in a music video. Yet that's the idea, it's not meant to look like a standard music video. The video takes on a  phychedelic theme, which made the entire video full of color. The animation was intersting, with little details that made it unique. I personaly thought the video was really cool, and I would watch it again.

Air - Sing Sang Sung from kevin kenger on Vimeo.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Warm Up

For our warm up today we were instructed to find a picture of art that we thought was beautiful and interesting. Below is the image I choose. It's the teacups ride in Disney land, and the way the picture was taken, and they theme of the ride, makes it look like it's right out of Alice In Wonderland. The colors are bright and they stand out in the picture, which is something that made the photograph really stand out to me. I also like how the bottom of the picture is out of focus, so you can ell the ride is in motion.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood

For English class we watched a video that was a great example of how project based learning can be interesting. It was a take on Little Red Riding Hood that used elements from science to tell the story in an intricate way, something you wouldn’t expect for an English project. It goes into a detailed analyzation for just about everything that Red encounters in the story, the whether it be the wolf’s eyes, or the nutritional facts for Grandma. Another thing I really liked was that the music really ties the video together. I look forward to creating projects like this one.

SlagsmÄlsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.

Hello, Welcome To Kelsey's World!

The following posts are the work from my freshman English class.